I've had more than one person turn up their nose at the mention of a pizza crust made from cauliflower. It does sound a little absurd but it's real and it's life-changing for pizza addicts who have had a lapse in metabolism speed! It's simple to prepare and you can literally eat a half (or whole!) pizza by yourself and not feel like you're headed to your death bed. It's filling but not overwhelming like a typical pizza. So, preheat your oven to 450 and get started!
You will need:
2 cups riced cauliflower (riced cauliflower is obtained by putting florets into a food processor or blender and chopping into a rice-like texture)
1/4 cup egg whites
1 cup cheese (I've used mozzarella and parmesan)
1 tbsp italian seasoning
1 tbsp garlic powder
toppings of your choice
Microwave the 2 cups of riced cauliflower for 6-8 minutes. When you take it out of the microwave, do everything in your power to remove excess moisture. Get it as dry as possible. Add egg whites, cheese and seasoning. Mix it all together and then roll it out as thin as possible on a piece of wax paper covering your pizza stone or pan. That's your crust. Pop it in your 450 degree oven for 25-35 minutes. Around 20 minutes start checking to make sure it isn't burning. It will be normal to see blackness around the edge but the bottom of your pizza won't be burnt. Get it to the desired level of brown and pull it out of the oven. Set your broiler to high. Add whatever toppings your heart desires. The picture above is just a simple turkey sausage and mozzarella pizza with red sauce but I've gotten more creative with it in the past. Make sure that all meat and vegetables are cooked prior to this step. Decorate your pizza and then pop it back in the oven to melt the cheese. The broiler will cause it to burn fast so don't stray too far away. Once your cheese is melted, pull it out, cut it up and enjoy a guilt free pizza!

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