Sunday, December 8, 2013

Chipotle Chicken & Rice

Yesterday for lunch, I had a Lean Cuisine Chipotle Chicken & Rice bowl and it was pretty phenomenal to say the least. I read the ingredients and knew it would be pretty easy to recreate. Since we're snowed in at the moment, I couldn't use fresh ingredients so I had to improvise with what I had on hand. 

2 grilled chicken breasts, cooked and diced up
1 can of mexi-corn (the can I used has corn, onion, black beans & red peppers in it)
1 can of Campbell's cheddar cheese soup
1 cup brown rice, cooked
2 tbsp sour cream
2 tbsp chipotle hot sauce
Salt & pepper to taste

Pour the mexi-corn and cheddar cheese soup into a pan and bring to a slight boil and immediately turn it down to medium. Throw in your grilled chicken, rice, hot sauce and seasonings and cook on medium for about 10 minutes. Move the pan off of the heat and stir in the sour cream. It's a quick, simple meal that takes less than half an hour. Enjoy! 
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